Located throughout the province and run by, and for, persons living with mental illness, activity centres have a focus on mental illness prevention and mental health promotion. Their self-help programs are varied and are based according to local needs and interests. These centres promote community integration by providing social, vocational, recreational and advocacy activities. They help people become more independent of formal services by means of peer support, education, and mutual aid.
For a list of New Brunswick Activity Centres see: https://www.gnb.ca/0055/activity_centres-e.asp We have a monthly calendar of activities for anyone seeking a supportive, safe, stigma-free place to relax and share with others who understand mental health and the recovery journey. We offer small, confidential self-help groups. We are happy to help others start their own group! For those who don't like groups, one-on-one outreach and online chat groups are available. You are not alone!